Susanne Bremer Hoffmann
Joint Research Centre-European Commission, Italy
Title: Nanomedicines in the European translational process
Biography: Susanne Bremer Hoffmann
In 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) released an update of the report on “Priority Medicines for Europe and the World” with the aim to bridge the gap between public health needs and the current research and development priorities. The European Commission has recognized the opportunities off ered by nanotechnology in the health care sector for the development of new diagnostic/therapeutic concepts and funds a wide range of projects in order to fully exploit the potential of nanotechnology. Th ese research activities generate ideas, knowledge and prototypes addressing unmet medical needs that
need now to be further progressed into clinical applications. In order to support the translation of such nanomedicines towards clinical use, the European Nanomedicine Characterization Laboratory (EU-NCL) has been established. Th e EU-NCL provides a comprehensive set of characterization tests (physical, chemical, in vitro and in vivo biological properties) allowing researchers and SMEs to better defi ne critical quality and safety attributes of their products before entering into clinical investigations. The knowledge base generated by the EU-NCL will additionally support competent authorities to further understand regulatory needs of this emerging product category and will boost the regulatory science in the field.
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