Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
9th Euro-Global Summit on Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, will be organized around the theme “Paving the Path for Quality Tox Connections ”
Euro Toxicology 2017 is comprised of 21 tracks and 82 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Toxicology 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
The major causes for the decreased life expectancy range are the infections caused by microbial pathogens and in the later days mainly heart diseases and cancer. Diet plays a crucial role in both the disease states. As per the recent studies, diet is the major decisive factor for 70% of all human cancers. This makes it very important to study the contemporary food toxicology issues. Food toxicology majorly deals with factors such as food allergies and intolerance, bioactive chemicals, food additives, pesticide residue and alike.
- Track 1-1Food Chemical Toxicology
- Track 1-2Biotransformation
- Track 1-3Food and Cosmetic Toxicology
- Track 1-4Food Safety and Toxicology
- Track 1-5Food Additives
- Track 1-6Natural Toxins in Food
Toxicology is primarily called ‘the science of poisons.’ It studies the adverse effects caused by physical or chemical agents on the living systems. Paracelsus, the father of toxicology is the first to document the body’s response to the chemicals in relation to the dose. He’s the first one to say that all substances are poisons, what makes it toxic is the dose.
- Track 2-1Veterinary Toxicology
- Track 2-2Neuro Toxicology
- Track 2-3Interdisciplinary Toxicology
- Track 2-4Renal Toxicology
- Track 2-5Pulmonary Toxicology
- Track 2-6Infusion Toxicology and Testing
- Track 2-7Computational Toxicology
- Track 2-8Clinical Toxicology
- Track 2-9Toxinology
- Track 2-10Toxicogenomics
The heredity of living organisms is majorly affected by chemical, physical and biological agents. The effects of these are studied under genetic toxicology. All the research and study information is stored as electronic data in web-based resources such as National Library of Medicine (NLM), which includes MEDLINE®, PUBMED®, TOXNET®, Gateway and also Entrez. The major application of genetic testing is that of predicting the drugs which possess high cancer-causing potential. This saves a lot of time and resources for the pharmaceutical companies and also assists in carving out safer drug products.
- Track 3-1Pre-Clinical Toxicity Testing
- Track 3-2Chemotherapy
- Track 3-3Gentotoxicity and Mutagenicity
- Track 3-4In Vitro Toxicity Testing
- Track 3-5Alternatives to Animal Testing
- Track 3-6Genetic Risk Estimation
- Track 3-7In vitro and In vivo Comet Assays
- Track 3-8Mutations and Cancer
Human and health toxicology deals with the study of the adverse effects caused to the body by xenobiotic substances. It includes a wide range of disciplines such as Organ systems toxicity, lung toxicology et al.,
- Track 4-1Human Toxicology of Chemical Mixtures
- Track 4-2Human Poisoning Diagnosis and Treatment
- Track 4-3Toxicology and Environmental Health
- Track 4-4Human Clinical Toxicology
- Track 4-5Human Experimental Toxicology
- Track 4-6Carcinogenicity and Chemicals
Toxicologic pathology studies coalesces the principles of Toxicology and Pharmacology. It has been very essential for a better understanding of the adverse effects of agents which can be physical, chemical or biological. It’s an intricate study both in molecular and cellular level.
- Track 5-1Experimental Toxicologic Pathology
- Track 5-2In Vitro Pathophysiologic mechanisms
- Track 5-3Xenobiotic Risk Characterization
- Track 5-4In Vivo Pathophysiologic Mechanisms
- Track 5-5Industrial Exposure
Occupational Toxicology, sometimes referred to as Industrial Hygiene, is concerned with the study of the adverse health effects of chemical and other agents in the workplace. Safe levels of exposure are determined through the application of human and animal data. A primary objective of occupational toxicology is to ensure safe workplace settings and minimize health risks.
- Track 6-1Industrial Toxicology
- Track 6-2Toxicology of Metals
- Track 6-3Industrial Health
- Track 6-4Carcinogenicity
A substance used for controlling or reducing the damage caused by pests is called as pesticide. It can be a chemical substance, antimicrobial, disinfectant or even a biological agent. But the excessive usage of these has increased the toxic relevance in foods. This led to regulations for the market and usage. This is directly under the jurisdiction of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which sets up limits for usage of each and every kind of pesticide/insecticide.
- Track 7-1Plant Toxicology
- Track 7-2Pesticide Residues in Eatables
- Track 7-3Herbicides
- Track 7-4Insecticides
Owing to their quantum size effects and very high surface area to volume ratio, nanoparticles have distinct properties. The toxic nature of these particles is studied under nanotoxicology. Its a branch of bionanoscience, dealing with the study and application of this toxicity. It is also considered to be studied under particle toxicology. The most significant kind of nanoparticles are the metal based nanoparticles which are usually synthesized to be used as semiconductors, thermoelectric materials and electroluminescents. The properties of nanoparticles include cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and also immunogenicity.
- Track 8-1Nanomaterials
- Track 8-2Solid Lipid Nanoparticles
- Track 8-3Nanostability
- Track 8-4Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of Nanoparticles
- Track 8-5Nanoparticle Toxicology
Toxicology is generally considered as the study of the adverse effects caused by drugs and chemicals on biological systems and forensic toxicology deals with the application of these cases which have medico-legal or administrative consequences. It’s a modern science which deals with the analysis of the effects of these drugs and also interpretation of results.
- Track 9-1Radiation Toxicity
- Track 9-2Substances of Abuse
- Track 9-3Post-mortem Forensic Toxicology
- Track 9-4Forensic Science Toxicology
The significance of metals at the sites of the human activities is the contributing factor for metal toxicity. The common toxic mechanisms and sites of action, include Enzyme Inhibition/Activation, Subcellular Organelles, Carcinogenicity, Kidney, Nervous System, Endocrine and Reproductive Effects, Respiratory System, Metal-Binding Proteins. The treatment of metal poisoning is accomplished by using chelating agents or antagonists. The first clinically used chelating agent was British antilewisite (BAL [2,3-dimercaptopropanol])
- Track 10-1Aluminium Toxicology
- Track 10-2Toxicology of Cadmium
- Track 10-3Chromium Toxicokinetics
- Track 10-4Mercury Toxicity
- Track 10-5Immunotoxicology of Metals
The deleterious impact of chemicals which are generally present in the form of pollutants is dealt under Environmental toxicology. The pollutants are classified as Naturally occurring pollutants and Man made pollutants. The adverse effects of these chemical substances on the ecosystem and humans are evaluated under this science. It can also be defined as an overall assessment of the entire ecosystem using selected species from the ecosystem or laboratory test animals.
- Track 11-1Ecotoxicology
- Track 11-2Aquatic Toxicology
- Track 11-3Environmental Management and Toxicology
- Track 11-4Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
- Track 11-5Chemical Warfare Agents
Pharmacology is the study of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a drug/foreign substance. What the body does to the drug is studied under pharmacokinetics and what the drug does to the body is studied under pharmacodynamics. The major ADME studies are made under kinetics. These parameters allow the clinician to carve and optimize the treatment regimen to a patient. Pharmacology studies the effect of various factors such as Mechanism of drug absorption, factors influencing it, bioavailability, bioequivalence etc.
- Track 12-1Behavioural Pharmacology
- Track 12-2Systems Pharmacology
- Track 12-3Pharmacoepidemiology
- Track 12-4Neuro Pharmacology
- Track 12-5Clinical Pharmacology
- Track 12-6Psycho Pharmacology
- Track 12-7Pharmacogenetics
- Track 13-1Pre-Clinical Drug Development
- Track 13-2Development of Pre-Clinical Formulations
- Track 13-3Drug Toxicology Screening
- Track 13-4Drug and Chemical Toxicology
- Track 13-5Chemical Toxicology
- Track 13-6Advances in Drug Toxicology Testing
It’s the challenging field of toxicology, dealing with the study of the incidence, causatives, manifestations, and sequelae of adverse effects of foreign substances on reproduction. The adverse effects may be caused to the prospective father/mother the certainly the developing embryo. A broad spectrum of agents such as substances of abuse, pesticides, diet, industrial chemicals, drugs etc., may elicit such responses. The different end points in assessing reproductive toxicity include Preconception evaluation and Postconception evaluation. Preconception evaluation include Sperm and ovum production, Animal weight, Conception rates (preimplantation, fertilization). Post conception evaluation include Maternal weight gain, Date of conception, Date of delivery, Implantation number, Fetal viability (live fetuses)
- Track 14-1Placental Toxicology
- Track 14-2Developmental Neurotoxicology
- Track 14-3Teratogens
- Track 14-4Acute Poisonings in Pregnancy
- Track 14-5Immunotoxicology
- Track 21-1Epidemiology for Toxicologists
- Track 21-2Environmental Toxicologist Meetings