Day :
- Clinical Toxicology
Location: Barcelona,Spain
Session Introduction
Isham Alzoubi
University of Tehran, Iran
Title: Smart Spatial Analyses in Land Levelling

Iesham alzoubi has completed his PhD at the age of 27 years fromDoctor of Philosophy Degree in Agricultural Mechanization Engineering (University of Tehran – Iran) University and Postdoctoral Studies from School of Surveying Geospatial Engineering-Department of Surveying and Geomatics Engineering, University of Tehran. Current Job: General commission for scientific Agricultural Research – Damascus – Syria (Mechanical Engineer) He has published more than 16 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute
Land leveling is one of the most important steps in soil preparation for agricultural and other purposes. . New techniques based on artificial intelligence, such as Artificial Neural Network, integrating Artificial Neural Network and Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA-ANN), or Genetic Algorithms (GA-ANN), or Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO-ANN) have been employed for developing predictive models to estimate the energy related parameters and the results were compared to SPSS and Sensitivity Analysis results. In this study, several soil properties such as cut/fill volume, compressibility factor, specific gravity, moisture content, slope of the area, sand percent, and swelling index were measured and their effects on energy consumption were investigated. Totally 90 samples were collected from 3 land areas by grid size of 20m×20m. The aim of this work was to develop predictive models based on artificial intelligence techniques to predict the environmental indicators of land leveling . Results of sensitivity analysis illustrated that only three parameters consist of soil density, soil compressibility, and soil cut/fill volume had meaningful effects on energy consumption. Among the proposed methods, the GA-ANN had the most capability in prediction of the environmental energy parameters. However, for prediction of LE and FE the ANN and ICA-ANN algorithms had better performance
. On the other hand, SPSS software had higher R 2 value than Minitab software and sensitivity analysis and in fact close to the ANN values. Keywords: Energy; Imperialist competitive algorithm; Sensitivity analysis; ANN; Land levelling; Environmental indicators.
Kiem X. Trinh
Vietnam Institute on Toxicology (VST), Vietnam

There are over thirty thousand of snakebite victims annually in Vietnam (VN). Two venomous snake families cause the big medical problem. In this, Calloselasma rhodostoma (CR) is the most dangerous snake of viperidae. Therefore, since 2014, the scientific research collaboration between VN and University of Southern California (USC) has been established and approved by VN government. The aim of the 1st project was determined the technological process for purification of disintegrin from CR venom of VN (CRd.VN), looking for a new candidate drug of cancer treatment.
Method: The process of collection, lyophilization of CR venom from VN. Its protein concentration was determined by BCA assay. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), SDS-PAGE, Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis and sequencing by tryptic digestion were used for purification of CR disintegrin of Vietnam (CRd.VN) and determined its molecular weight (MW) and structure. Standard cell biological methods were employed to characterize CRd’s abilities to inhibit platelet aggregation, adhesion, migration and invasion of tumor cells (in vitro). The anti-cancer activities of CRd.VN in the breast cancer (BC) of mice model (in vivo) were tested.
Results: The peak No 7 of HPLC (CRd.VN) showed a single (MW≈10 kDa) band on SDS-PAGE gel. CRd.VN’s MW was 7.33 kDa. Its molecular structure and the sequence were a monomer, containing 68 amino acids with RGD motif (position 49-51) and 6 disulfide bonds. The anticancer activities of CRd.VN were very strong and safe.The result of the first research project was approved byTheVNScientificBoard, 2018.
Conclusion: We have shown that CRd.VN is a possible anti-tumor agent with clinical potential. This is opening for CRd.VN recombinant production, preliminary pharmacokinetics, and toxicological properties before coming to a preclinical trial course
M. Golam Mortuza
Professor,University of Rajshahi, BANGLADESH
Title: The Pollutant Content in the Padma River Water Draining from Rajshahi City and Its impact on fisheries

Dr. Mortuza has completed his PhD from Hiroshima University, Japan and postdoctoral studied from College of Biological Science, Pusan National University, S. Korea. Now he working as Professor in the Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He had been working as a full Professor in the Department of Zoology at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 2011-2016. His research tropics addresses environmental pollution, fisheries, ecology, biotic interaction, relationship and behaviour. He is also actively engaged in collaborative research at home and abroad. He has published more than 55 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute Journals.
The study was carried out to assess surface water quality of Rajshahi City of Bangladesh. Based on surveys and chemical analyses, we performed a case study of the surface water collected from three different areas, in order to understand the sources of water pollution and the evolution of water quality in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh. Concentrations of major chemical elements in the surface water were related to the source of the agricultural, industrial and municipal sewerage. Low dissolved oxygen, pH, Secchi depth and high electrical conductivity, total phosphorous total nitrogen and heavy metals were strongly associated with the effluent impacted sites and greatly influenced the fish community structure. The Padma river bank close to the city side was more polluted by the domestic and sewerage system than that of opposite side. This study recommends the use of fish as valuable biological indicators in aquatic environmental pollution assessment.
M. Golam Mortuza
University of Rajshahi, BANGLADESH
Title: The Pollutant Content in the Padma River Water Draining from Rajshahi City and Its impact on fisheries

Dr. Mortuza has completed his PhD from Hiroshima University, Japan and postdoctoral studied from College of Biological Science, Pusan National University, S. Korea. Now he working as Professor in the Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He had been working as a full Professor in the Department of Zoology at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 2011-2016. His research tropics addresses environmental pollution, fisheries, ecology, biotic interaction, relationship and behaviour. He is also actively engaged in collaborative research at home and abroad. He has published more than 55 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute Journals.
The study was carried out to assess surface water quality of Rajshahi City of Bangladesh. Based on surveys and chemical analyses, we performed a case study of the surface water collected from three different areas, in order to understand the sources of water pollution and the evolution of water quality in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh. Concentrations of major chemical elements in the surface water were related to the source of the agricultural, industrial and municipal sewerage. Low dissolved oxygen, pH, Secchi depth and high electrical conductivity, total phosphorous total nitrogen and heavy metals were strongly associated with the effluent impacted sites and greatly influenced the fish community structure. The Padma river bank close to the city side was more polluted by the domestic and sewerage system than that of opposite side. This study recommends the use of fish as valuable biological indicators in aquatic environmental pollution assessment
Raafat Abdeldayem
Professor,Mansoura University, Egypt
Title: An overview study of drug abuse monitoring

Dr. Rafaat is an associate consultant (Professor) of Toxicology at the Emergency Hospital in the Faculty of Medicine at Mansoura University, Egypt. He obtained a PhD of hydrogeochemistry in 2004, at Mansoura University and previously completed an MSc in hydrogeochemistry in 2001 at the same institution. He also has a Diploma of toxicology and forensic chemistry (1996) from the Faculty of Medicine and a Diploma of applied chemistry (1993). Dr. Rafaat specializes in medical analysis, toxicology & forensic chemistry as well as water pollution. He has published papers over 10 local paper and 13 in international publications. He has spoken at 55 local conferences and workshops and 15 international meetings. He is currently a member of eight international scientific societies.
Objectives; the abuse of drugs can have serious ramifications on a person’s physical health, mental health, and overall well-being. Aim of the work is to determine the prevalence of some drugs among patients from the laboratory point of view.
Methods; the sample size for this study was five hundred patients with acute poisoning by some drugs of abuse. In this study all patients were subjected for detection of drugs of abuse in urine by EMIT system and Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) for confirmation of the obtained results.
Results; the study revealed that the percentages of positive urine samples by Enzyme Multiplying Immunoassay Technique (EMIT) confirmed by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS).
Conclusion; presence of these drugs has a serious effect on man health, consequently his environment.
Recommendations; it is recommended that public health intervention aimed at preventing drug use among inhabitants should be designed to raise awareness about the negative effects of drug abuse.
Keywords: Patients, Drugs, prevalence. EMIT.
Sanae Ezzaki
ibn rochd university and hospital center in Casablanca, Morocco
Title: Nephrotoxicity of Rubia Tinctorium

Sanae ezzaki graduated from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, Morocco (2016). She is currently resident in nephrology hemodialysis at the ibn rochd university and hospital center in Casablanca, Morocco. Dr. Ezzaki was currently following a clinical research pathway with numerous abstracts and case presentations while practicing as a resident physician. She has participated in national and international conferences on nephrology.
Rubia tinctorum called in Morocco ELFOUA is a plant perennial of the family RUBIACEAE, used in Morocco for millennia as aperitif plant to grow, and in cases of anemia, to increase blood volume and improve skin tone or to facilitate childbirth in women. However, Rubia tinctorum is very rich in anthraquinone derivatives which can have a toxic effect especially on the kidney.
Patients and methods:
We report 3 cases of patients who presented acute renal failure following taking Rubia tinctorum,
Case 1: HE aged 15, without specific medical history, admitted to a glomerular syndrome due to kidney failure at 66 mg / L of plasma creatinine and 24-hour proteinuria at 1 g / 24 hours and aseptic leukocyturia occurred after taking Rubia tinctorum for ten days.
2nd case LN aged 39, without pathological antecedent, hospitalized at the nephrology department for glomerular syndrome is a 24h urine protein 2 g / 24 with severe acute kidney failure at 90 mg / L of plasma creatinine and aseptic leukocyturia without hematuria or hypertension in a context of uncontrollable vomiting after taking Rubia tinctorum
3rd case: Mrs. AH 47 years old, hospitalized in nephrology for acute renal failure at 73 mg / L of plasma creatinine discovered incidentally during a CPA balance for cholecystectomy with notion of taking Rubia tinctorum a week before admission.
The patients underwent punctures renal biopsies that showed acute tubulointerstitial nephritis.
Therapeutically they were put under corticosteroid with a good improvement creatinine.
In the literature, renal toxicity related to consumption elfoua has not been described in humans, but studies in rats have shown that the administration of this plant can cause tubular necrosis with nephritis interstitials. These effects were observed with the waning of chronic ingestion of large doses. Cases have been reported and recorded by the Pharmacovigilance Center of Morocco.
The combination of histological lesions and the patient taken elfoua in this fact evoking its toxic effect on the kidney that is a limitation to the use of this plant despite therapy.
Shireen A Hedya
Faculty of pharmacy Cairo University, Egypt
Title: Antiparkinsonian potential of cilostazol: insights into Nurr-1 and autophagy roles

Shireen has completed her Master degree at the age of 26 years from faculty of pharmacy Cairo University, Egypt. She is an assistant Lecturer at the pharmacology and toxicology department at faculty of pharmacy Cairo University, Egypt and published two scientific papers at reputable journals.
Cilostazol, a 2-oxo-quinoline derivative, is a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase-3 that increases intracellular cAMP levels and activates protein kinase A. Cilostazol exhibited neuroprotection in focal cerebral ischemia in rats, which was attributed to its anti-apoptotic properties. Furthermore, it guarded against hypoperfusion-induced cognitive impairment resulting in protective activity in an animal model of vascular dementia. Interestingly, cilostazol proved to exert favorable effects against Alzheimer’s disease where it enhanced β-amyloid peptide degradation through autophagy modulation in N2a neuronal cells. Together, these findings further support the notion that cilostazol may possess neuroprotective effect and may show beneficial outcome in PD. The aim of this study is to explore the neuroprotective effect of cilostazol in rotenone-induced PD model in rats. Parkinsonian rat pretreated with cilostazol showed minimal neuronal vacuolation and minimal perivascular edema in the midbrain and striatum. Moreover, . Pretreatment of rats with cilostazol improved the motor deficits as verified by a remarkable surge in ambulation and rearing. This could be explained by the fact that cilostazol significantly raised striatal TH content as compared to the rotenone group. . In conclusion, cilostazol could be a promising candidate for PD treatment.
Keywords: Rotenone, Parkinson’s disease, Cilostazol, Tyrosine hydroxylase, midbrain.ccc..
Vidya panuganti
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Title: E-BABE-Encyclopedia of Bioanalytical Methods for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies of Pharmaceuticals

Vidya panuganti has completed his PhD at the age of 25 years from Andhra University and postdoctoral studies from Stanford University School of Medicine. He is the director of XXXX, a premier Bio-Soft service organization. He has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
Encyclopedia of Bioanalytical Methods for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies of Pharmaceuticals (E-BABE): It is a unique encyclopedia involving bioanalytical methods for bioavailability and bioequivalence (BA/BE) studies of pharmaceuticals for suitable method selection with thousands of combinations and searches against these methods. Most scrutinized literature was collected from different sources including PubMed. This database has been curetted using published methods for all most all pharmaceuticals. Required information for regular method development/validation such as IUPAC name, structure, solubility, chromatographic conditions, instrumentation information like HPLC, LCMS detection parameters, sample preparations, recovery details, limit of detection and limit of quantification, Tmax, Cmax etc., for routine application in BA/BE studies of pharmaceuticals was incorporated including official pharmacopeias information such as European Pharmacopeia, Japan Pharmacopeia and US Pharmacopeia. Database includes drug based bioanalytical methods covering most required fields and external database links of important drug portals such as drug bank, Rxlist, MEDLINE plus, KEGG Drug ID, KEGG Compound ID, Merck manual, PubChem compound ID, PubChem substance ID and USFDA. Searching/querying the database is through drug name, chemical formula or structural search by smiles format. Keen selections of bioanalytical methods for pharmaceutical analysis or regular quality control are also possible with E-BABE. E-BABE was built understanding the needs of pharmaceutical industry and laboratories including CROs working on BA/BE studies. Presently it has nearly of 5,000 methods and it will be updated regularly.