Cancer and Chemical Carcinogenesis
Cancer is associated with abnormal cell growth which has a potential of spreading to other parts of the body. Any substances or exposures (chemical, biological or physical) which can result in to cancer are known as carcinogens. If accumulation of these substances occurs in large amount in human body, for a longer period of time, it may lead to cell damage ultimately resulting in the formation of cancerous cells.
- Cancer
- Models Involved in Carcinogenesis
- Oncogenes and Tumour Suppresor Genes
- Mutagenicity
- Teratogenicity
Related Conference of Cancer and Chemical Carcinogenesis
May 14-15, 2025
6th International Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
Toronto, Canada
Cancer and Chemical Carcinogenesis Conference Speakers
Recommended Sessions
- Applied Pharmacology
- Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology
- Cancer and Chemical Carcinogenesis
- Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
- Current Advances in Pharmacology
- Drug Discovery and Toxicity Screening
- Drug Toxicology
- Environmental and Ecotoxicology
- Experimental and Toxicological Pathology
- Food Safety and Toxicology
- Genetic Toxicology
- Human Health and Toxicology
- In-vitro and In-vivo Toxicology
- Industrial and Occupational Toxicology
- Pharmacology
- Product Development Toxicology
- Toxicity Testing Methods
- Toxicologic Risk Assessment
- Toxicology
- Trending Toxicology Concepts
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